
Ratings in the Hoofer Outing Club - What They Are and How to Get Them


Rating How to Get It What It Means
BP1 Day Hiking or Car Camping Trip with Hoofers This rating means that you have hiked or camped with Hoofers. Eligible to be LIT on a backpacking trip.
BP2 Weekend or Overnight Backpacking Trip with Hoofers Successfully completed a weekend backpacking trip with Hoofers demonstrating enough skill to take care of own needs and have positive mental attitude. Can participate on BP3 or BP4 Trips.
BP3 Less than week-long overnight trip in continental US Successfully completed a longer than weekend backpacking trip with Hoofers demonstrating exceptional skill to take care of own needs, contribute positively to the group as a whole through knowledge of outdoor skills, and have positive mental attitude. Can participate on BP4 Trips
BP4 Week-Long Overnight Trip Outside of Midwest Successfully completed a week-long backpacking trip outside of the Midwest with Hoofers demonstrating exceptional skill to take care of own needs, contribute positively to the group as a whole through knowledge of outdoor skills, and have positive mental attitude. Can participate on BP4 and some BP5 Trips
BP5 Greater than Week-Long Overnight Trip Outside of Midwest (May be international) Successfully completed a longer than week-long backpacking trip with Hoofers demonstrating exceptional skill to take care of own needs, contribute positively to the group as a whole through knowledge of outdoor skills, and have positive mental attitude. This is the highest rating that can be earned in Hoofer Backpacking and requires advanced knowledge of outdoor skills in an extreme backcountry setting, consult Backpacking or Land Safety chair for more information.

Whitewater Kayaking

Rating How to Get It What It Means
Swim test Lesson on Lake Mendota or in Pool (1 hr) Demonstrates ability swim 100 yards, then maintain boyancy for 5 minutes.
Kayak lake rating Lesson on Lake Mendota or in Pool (2-3hr) Basic paddling rating
R1 Day trip to creek Actively learning how to paddle in moving current (eddy outs and peel outs).
R2 Weekend Trip up north Comfortable capsizing in current and beginning to develop control on class II rivers
R3p Weekend Trip / By competency - Class II Comfortable on class II rivers and is capable in assisting with rescues. Is beginning to roll.
R3 Weekend Trip / By competency - Class III Competent in reading and running class III rivers and can consistently roll up.
R4p Weekend Trip / By competency - Class III Has demonstrated proficiency in reading and paddling class III water with ease.
R4 Weekend Trip / By competency - Class III+ This rating is the highest rating given by the Hoofer Outing Club for decked canoes and kayaks and suggests that the paddler is competent to paddle any whitewater attempted by the Hoofer Outing Club


Rating How to Get It What It Means
Lake rating- Canoe Lesson on Lake Mendota (1-2hr) Base paddling rating. Teaches canoeing strokes and union boathouse rules.
R1-OC Day trip to creek Practiced in peel outs from and eddy turns into eddies, ferrying, and paddling strokes in Class I current.
R2p-OC Weekend Trip / By competency - Class I Can handle Class II water competently with a similar R2p-OC paddling partner, but would have difficulty paddling Class II with an R1-OC rated partner.
R2-OC Weekend Trip / By competency - Class II Can handle Class II water with relative ease, can use a low brace, and possesses good river-reading ability and knowledge of water safety.
R3p-OC Weekend Trip / By competency - Class II A provisional rating given to an R2-OC who has demonstrated proficiency on Class II water and is judged ready to attempt paddling Class III with an R3p-OC partner or better.
R3-OC Weekend Trip / By competency - Class III Consistently demonstrated proficiency in paddling Grade III water, knows how to use a low brace to guide a swamped canoe through rapids and maneuver it to shore, and has a very good river reading ability.
R4p-OC Weekend Trip / By competency - Class III A provisional rating given to an R3-OC who has demonstrated proficiency on Class III water and is judged ready to attempt paddling Class IV with an R4p-OC partner or better.
R4-OC Weekend Trip / By competency - Class III+ The highest open canoe rating used by the Hoofer Outing Club. For tandem canoes, it means the paddler is qualified to paddle on any water boated by the Hoofer Outing Club when paired with an R3-OC partner or better.

Sea Kayaking

Rating How to Get It What It Means
Lake rating- Kayak Lesson on Lake Mendota or in Pool (2-3hr) Basic paddling rating
SK0 Lesson on Lake Mendota or in Pool (2-3hr) Introduction to basic paddling skills, design and care for sea kayaks, and assisted rescue skills in a sea kayak.
SK1 Lesson on Lake Mendota (2-3hr) Introduction to bracing, edging, and maneuvering skills, refining forward stroke, and self rescue skills in a sea kayak.
SK2p Trip on Lake Mendota in Wind and Waves - Sea Level 2 Conditions Poised and control in sea level 2 conditions, developing skills towards SK2 rating.
SK2 Trip on Great Lake in Wind and Waves - Sea Level 2 Conditions Emerging sea kayaking skills in reading weather and conditions, poise and control in sea level 2 conditions, introductory navigation skills, reliable ability to self rescue in conditions.
SK3 Trip on Great Lake in Wind and Waves - Sea Level 3 Conditions Competent in reading weather and conditions, poise and control in sea level 3 conditions, navigation skills, ability to roll a fully loaded sea kayak. This rating is the highest rating given by the Hoofer Outing Club for sea kayaking.

Mountain Biking

Rating What It Means
MTB0 Introductory: Biker possesses the ability to balance, shift gears, safely brake, and physically fit enough to bike up to 5 miles to trails.
MTB1 Beginner: Biker has gone on at least one Hoofer bike trip and can ride green circle (beginner) singletrack trails without walking.
MTB2 Intermediate: Biker can skillfully operate a bicycle on a variety of trails, including blue square (intermediate) singletrack trails without walking. Biker has demonstrated personal responsibility that allows them to accurately gauge their own abilities.
MTB3 Advanced: Biker is an experienced mountain biker, capable of riding black diamond (advanced) trails comfortably without walking.

Other Activities

Cross-Country Skiing, Fly Fishing, Telemark Skiing, Snowshoeing, Trail Running, and Trail Building do not require ratings!